535 N. Woodlawn
Suite 340 & 345
Wichita , KS 67208

535 N. Woodlawn
Suite 340 & 345
Wichita , KS 67208

Our History
For generations, human civilizations have been dancing. Whether for cultural reasons or pure enjoyment, there’s a wonderful feeling that one gets from the art of movement. Just ask the dedicated dancers who come to practice every single day.
After years of Ms. Rachel working with youth across the nation she decided to build her own “empire” which is how Empire Performing Arts Center came about. The colors chosen to represent Empire Performing Arts Center stand for independence, royalty, perseverance, commitment, and determination. Teal also represents the awareness ribbon of Celiac disease which Ms. Rachel was diagnosed with in 2010 and later battled several other diagnoses. She now strives to live life to the fullest and wants to instill that at Empire Performing Arts Center.